How to set up a WordPress site for courses and memberships in AccessAlly Learn how to set up a WordPress site so that you can use AccessAlly for your courses and memberships. As...
Why You Need an SSL Certificate on WordPress for Membership Sites in AccessAlly If you want to retrieve account and billing information on your new membership site, you will need to install an SSL Certificate on...
How to Integrate AccessAlly With a CRM AccessAlly’s Onboarding Wizard walks you through each step of the setup process. Here is a deeper look at how to...
How to Set Up a Login Page For Your Membership Site in AccessAlly About the Login Page This is a key page that is created for you automatically when you install the AccessAlly...
How To Add a Logout Link to a WordPress Menu in AccessAlly With AccessAlly, you can add a logout link to your membership site menu. If a user is logged in, they...
How to Create Auto-Login Links For Your Membership Site in AccessAlly Create an auto-login link to help users quickly access protected content on your site without requiring them to manually log in with their username and password.
AccessAlly Shortcodes Guide AccessAlly, ProgressAlly, and CommunityAlly elements can be added to your WordPress pages via the shortcode generator or through blocks, depending...
Importing Contacts via the AccessAlly User Migration Wizard Staging Sites I you are migrating from a WordPress course and membership plugin to AccessAlly you can create a staging...
Migrate from Zippy Courses to AccessAlly In this tutorial, you’ll see how to migrate from the Zippy Courses plugin to AccessAlly. When you’re migrating from Zippy...
How to Migrate to AccessAlly from Memberium or iMember360 If you need to migrate to AccessAlly from Memberium or iMember360, it’s likely that you already have your tags set...
How To Customize The Appearance of AccessAlly and ProgressAlly 1. Customize the appearance of AccessAlly You can customize AccessAlly’s order forms, buttons, profile edit, and login widget through the...
How to Locate the AccessAlly Shortcode Adder Button in OptimizePress In most WordPress sites and themes, the AccessAlly shortcode adder is easily found in the page/post toolbar. However, it can...
How to Configure the Username Field in AccessAlly Unlike the Password Field, you do NOT have to configure the Username Field. When creating a new user, AccessAlly always...
Import / Export Settings for AccessAlly Pro’s LMS Features This tutorial will show you how to use AccessAlly Pro’s (formerly “ProgressAlly”) import/export settings to easily recreate your quizzes, checklists,...
Create Personalized Course Experiences For Users in AccessAlly Create personalized course experiences for users with AccessAlly Pro’s “Events” feature. This allows you to create powerful automations inside your...
Enabling Developer Mode During Plugin Migration in AccessAlly When you’re transitioning a membership site from one membership plugin to another, you might install AccessAlly at the same time...
How AccessAlly Works With Your WordPress Theme Knowing how AccessAlly works with your WordPress theme makes it much easier to set up and design your membership and...
How To Change The Appearance of AccessAlly’s Features (General Settings) The appearance of AccessAlly’s order forms, buttons, profile edit, and login widget can be easily edited through the backend settings....
How to Migrate from CustomerHub to AccessAlly If you’re porting over your membership site to AccessAlly from CustomerHub, it’s likely that you already have your tags set...
How to Setup a Free Course Opt-in with AccessAlly There may be an instance where you want to offer no-cost courses to your clients. These free courses can be...