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How to Merge Contacts While Preserving Their Site Permissions in AccessAlly

Do you have the same email address in your CRM system or AccessAlly site multiple times? Learn how to merge contacts in this article.

When Merging Contacts May Be Necessary

If you have:

  • duplicate contacts in your CRM
  • the same person with two or more email addresses (for example a typo in an email address)

Terms Used in Article

The following terms will be used in this article to define contacts.

  • Kept contact – the email address for the contact you will keep
  • Merged contact – the email address for the contact you will merge then remove

Step 1: Contact Review

Create a spreadsheet to keep the data for all contacts that you’d like to merge. This is helpful as a backup so you will know all details for contacts that you are merging.

CRM Contact Review

In your CRM search by email address for the “kept contact” and note the Contact ID number. Do the same for the “merged contact.” Adding both to a spreadsheet is helpful.

Merge Contacts Spreadsheet in AccessAlly

Not sure how to find the CRM Contact ID number? See how here.

AccessAlly Contact Review

On your AccessAlly site go to AccessAlly → Members, enter the email address for your “kept contact” and check that the Contact ID number is the same as the one in your CRM. Add this number to your spreadsheet.

Contact ID for Kept Contact in AccessAlly

Repeat this step for your “merged contact” and add to your spreadsheet.

Update spreadsheet Contact ID in AccessAlly

AccessAlly Order Form Review

If you are using AccessAlly order forms to process payments, it’s time to review orders for your “kept contact” and “merged contact.” Go to AccessAlly → Sales → Orders and search by email address.

Order ID number in AccessAlly

Add the order form ID number for each order form to your spreadsheet for both your “kept contact” and “merged contact”

Order Form ID Spreadsheet in AccessAlly

AccessAlly Tag Review

Now it’s time to review the tags for your “kept contact” and “merged contact” these will be added to your spreadsheet. There may be a large number of tags.

While this step is tedious it is important as tags provide access to offerings on your site. This keeps a record of those tags as your backup!

AccessAlly Tags in Spreadsheet

Step 2: Select Your Merge Option

Option 1: Merge a few contacts (great for a single contact)

Option 2: Bulk merge (for large number of contacts)

Option 1: Merge a Few Contacts


Follow the steps below to merge contacts when using Infusionsoft/Keap.

Step 1: Enable Merge Feature in AccessAlly

Step 1: Enable Merge Feature in AccessAlly

Go to: AccessAlly → Settings → General Setup → Display Settings → Merge Contacts Operation → check the box to Enable Merge Contacts.

Screenshot from AccessAlly showing how to enable merge contacts

Step 2: Merge Contacts

Step 2: Merge Contacts

AccessAlly → Permissions → Merge Users

This will both merge the contacts in Infusionsoft/Keap and sort out the user login/tags in AccessAlly. It’s important to add Contact ID 1 as your “Kept Contact” and Contact ID 2 as your “Merged Contact.”

Merge Users with Infusionsoft

Step 3: Update AccessAlly Order ID

Step 3: Update AccessAlly Order ID

If you are using AccessAlly order forms to process recurring payments use the Modify Contact ID Tool. This will change the Contact ID listed on orders in AccessAlly from your “Merged Contact” to your “Kept Contact.” Skipping this step if using AccessAlly order forms will cause issues with recurring payment plans.

See steps and download the Modify Contact ID Tool by clicking here.
Step 4: Review Kept Contact

Step 4: Review Kept Contact

View the “Kept Contact” in Infusionsoft/Keap to ensure that this contact has all tags from both the “Kept Contact” and “Merged Contact” which should include all tags on your spreadsheet.

If using the User Switching Plugin review the “Kept Contact” to ensure they have access to applicable offerings and that you see all orders on your My Orders page.
Step 5: Delete Merged Contact

Step 5: Delete Merged Contact

If the “Merged Contact” is still a user on your AccessAlly site, you can delete the user. Go to Users → All Users → Search by the “Merged Contact” email address →  Delete User.

ActiveCampaign and Ontraport

Step 1: Merge Contacts in CRM

Step 1: Merge Contacts in CRM

Your CRM has the ability to merge contacts. See how to merge in Active Campaign or Ontraport. After merging visit your AccessAlly site to refresh your CRM as shown in the image below.

Refresh CRM Info in AccessAlly

Step 2: Update AccessAlly Order ID

Step 2: Update AccessAlly Order ID

If you are using AccessAlly order forms to process recurring payments use the Modify Contact ID Tool. This will change the Contact ID listed on orders in AccessAlly from your “Merged Contact” to your “Kept Contact.” Skipping this step if using AccessAlly order forms will cause issues with recurring payment plans.

See steps and download the Modify Contact ID Tool by clicking here.
Step 3: Review Kept Contact

Step 3: Review Kept Contact

View the “Kept Contact” in your CRM to ensure that this contact has all tags from both the “Kept Contact” and “Merged Contact” which should include all tags on your spreadsheet.

If using the User Switching Plugin review the “Kept Contact” to ensure they have access to applicable offerings and that you see all orders on your My Orders page.
Step 4: Delete Merged Contact

Step 4: Delete Merged Contact

If the “Merged Contact” is still a user on your AccessAlly site, you can delete the user. Go to Users → All Users → Search by the “Merged Contact” email address →  Delete User.

Kit and Drip

Step 1: Manually Add Missing Tags

Step 1: Manually Add Missing Tags

Go to AccessAlly → Members → Search by “Kept Contact” email address → Mark a checkbox by this contact → Click Run Action for 1 Member.

Run Action for Member AccessAlly

Add any tags missing from “Merged Contact” to the “Kept Contact” using your spreadsheet as a guide. When you add all missing tags here they will automatically sync to your CRM system.

Adding Tags from Merged Contact in AccessAlly

Step 2: Add Kept Contact to CRM automations

Step 2: Add Kept Contact to CRM Automations

If there are any CRM automations or sequences from the “Merged Contact” that the “Kept Contact” needs. You’ll add those to the “Kept Contact” in your CRM system.

Step 3: Update AccessAlly Order ID

Step 3: Update AccessAlly Order ID

If you are using AccessAlly order forms to process recurring payments use the Modify Contact ID Tool. This will change the Contact ID listed on orders in AccessAlly from your “Merged Contact” to your “Kept Contact.” Skipping this step if using AccessAlly order forms will cause issues with recurring payment plans.

See steps and download the Modify Contact ID Tool by clicking here.
Step 4: Review Kept Contact

Step 4: Review Kept Contact

View the “Kept Contact” in your CRM to ensure that this contact has all tags from both the “Kept Contact” and “Merged Contact” which should include all tags on your spreadsheet.

If using the User Switching Plugin review the “Kept Contact” to ensure they have access to applicable offerings and that you see all orders on your My Orders page.
Step 5: Delete Merged Contact

Step 5: Delete Merged Contact

If the “Merged Contact” is still a user on your AccessAlly site, you can delete the user. Go to Users → All Users → Search by the “Merged Contact” email address →  Delete User.

You can also delete the “Merged Contact” from your CRM system if desired.

Option 2: Bulk Merge (Large Number of  Contacts)

At times it may be necessary to merge a lot of clients at once. This will walk you through that process. Bulk Merge is only available for Active Campaign, Keap Pro, Keap Max, or Ontraport users.

Step 1: Merge Contacts in CRM

Step 1: Merge Contacts in CRM

Active Campaign, Keap Pro or Keap Max, or Ontraport you have the option to merge contacts.

After merging contacts visit your AccessAlly site to refresh your CRM as shown in the image below.

Refresh CRM Info in AccessAlly

Step 2: Update Contacts with Invalid Contact IDs

Step 2: Update Contacts with Invalid IDs

Go to AccessAlly → Members → Permissions → Sync Users → Click Start Update

Sync User Information in AccessAlly

You will then need to delete all contacts that have an invalid ID. Refer to your spreadsheet created at the start of this article. You will need the “kept contact” and “merged contact” ID numbers from your spreadsheet for the next step.

Step 3: Update AccessAlly Orders

Step 3: Update AccessAlly Orders

Once you have finished deleting invalid IDs and you have your spreadsheet you are going to need to update orders that belonged to those old IDs with the new IDs. See this article for instructions.

Updated on December 13, 2023
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