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  4. How to Manually Add a User to Your AccessAlly Site

How to Manually Add a User to Your AccessAlly Site

In this article, we’ll cover how to manually add a users in WordPress on your AccessAlly. This should only be used for one-off situations as needed. This method is not intended for adding large number of users to your site.

How to Add New WordPress User

Manually Add User With AccessAlly Managed Contacts

Step 1: Add New WordPress User

WordPress → Users → Add New

  • Use the email address for both the username and email (must be a valid email address without a “+” like used for Gmail testing emails.)
  • Add First Name
  • Last Name
  • Send User Notification (optional)
  • Select the role (subscriber is default AccessAlly role)

Adding user manually

Step 2: AccessAlly Tab

Review the AccessAlly tab to ensure a contact ID number assigned by AccessAlly.

New User Added

Step 3: Visit the Members Tab

AccessAlly → Members

Visit the Members Tab, add the email address of the new user so you can release offerings, add tags, or run custom operations.

Run Action for New Members

Step 4: Test the user

Use the User Switching plugin to verify the users access.

Step 5: Email User

Now it’s time to email the user to let them know that they can access the site. If you have welcome emails set for when an offering is released your new user will receive an email with details on how to log in.

You may also send the new user an email and ask them to click the lost your password link on your login page.

Once they reset the password they’ll be able to access their courses and content on your site.

Manually Add User With an Integrated CRM

Step 1: Find the unique contact ID in your CRM

  1. Find the contact in your CRM
  2. Note the unique contact ID – Not sure how? See this article.

Step 2: Add the user to WordPress

  1. From your WordPress dashboard > Users.
  2. Add the new user: use the email address for both the username and email address fields. Uncheck the send user notification box. Make sure the user level is set to subscriber.
    Screenshot showing to how manually add users

Step 3: Sync the user with the CRM

From your WordPress dashboard, go to: Users → Select the user → Click Edit → Select the AccessAlly tab.

  1. Add the contact ID in the Contact Details section.
  2. Once you enter the contact ID, you’ll see a Resync button. This will sync the contact with your CRM.
  3. Click the update button to update the user.

Screenshot from AccessAlly showing how to manually update a user

Step 4: Test the user

Use the User Switching plugin to verify the users access.

Step 5: Notify User

Now it’s time to email the user to let them know that they can access the site. Inside your email, you direct the user to your AccessAlly Login page and ask them to click the Lost Your Password link.

Once they reset the password they’ll be able to access their courses and content on your site.

FAQs About Adding WordPress Users

Do all users on the site show in the AccessAlly Members tab?

Yes, all users on your WordPress site will appear in this tab.

How do I resolve a user not connected to a CRM contact issue?

Example of this error.

Manually With CRM Error

Go to Users → All Users → Search for user by email → Edit User then move to the AccessAlly Tab and add the contact ID number from your CRM.

Not sure where to find the CRM Contact ID number? See this article.

Updated on November 16, 2023
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