• Preventing Concurrent Logins and Password Sharing in AccessAlly

    Do you have members who are sharing their username and password with friends or colleagues, instead of purchasing additional licenses or courses from you? Here are some solutions to help reduce the amount of password sharing and keep people honest. It’s a very frustrating issue, but there are different ways […]

  • How to Migrate from Infusionsoft to ActiveCampaign in AccessAlly

    This tutorial walks you through the basic steps when you’re migrating away from Infusionsoft (now Keap Max Classic) to ActiveCampaign. Protip: If you have a big import list, contact ActiveCampaign directly. They have a migration service and they will import your existing contacts and even rebuild your workflows & automations…

  • [Offering] Module Release in AccessAlly

    In this article we’ll explore what the module release is and how it’s used inside an offering. What is the module release? The module release offers you the ability to drip offering content quickly and easily from inside your AccessAlly site. How does the module release work? The module release […]

  • How to Switch Website Hosts in AccessAlly

    There are many reasons you might be looking to switch website hosts: slow load times, bad neighbors on your existing server, poor customer support, or other technical limitations that you encounter. Should you change your site hosting? This workshop with Scott, Technical Support Engineer at AccessAlly, will help you spot…

  • How to Send Invoices or Receipts in AccessAlly

    There are a few ways to send invoices or receipts to people who purchase through AccessAlly: Customer downloads a copy from the My Orders page Customer receives an invoice from an AccessAlly Email Stripe receipts Quaderno invoices Triggering an email in your CRM Download From My Orders Page Customers can […]

  • Importing Contacts via the AccessAlly User Migration Wizard

    […] allows you to review smaller batches of existing contacts with less room for error! If you’re using AccessAlly Managed contacts you can skip to the Download step below. If your contacts are not in a CRM (and you’re using Infusionsoft/Keap, Ontraport, ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, or Drip) you’ll export your contacts – […]

  • Complete List of Customization Elements For AccessAlly Order Forms

    […] fields in your CRM. Auto Fill Functionality Please note that autofill functionality for your order forms is very client and browser dependent. However, the credit card info can NOT be auto -filled. This is a security measure required by Stripe. Screenshot of order form options Screenshot of different order form sections

  • Getting SPAM optins and order form signups in AccessAlly?

    If you’re experiencing spam sign -ups through your AccessAlly optin forms or AccessAlly order forms, we recommend turning on the CAPTCHA to help prevent this. Step 1: Google reCAPTCHA First, go to this page on Google to create your captcha system for your domain (or subdomain as the case may […]