Learn how to set up an order toggle for even more flexibility on selling products within your WordPress site. An order toggle allows clients to seamlessly switch among multiple order forms without leaving the order form page.
Common use cases for the Order Toggle include: switching between different payment plans (full pay vs. monthly installment payments) and different currencies (US Dollar vs Canadian Dollar, British Pound vs Euro).
Order Toggle for Payment Plans
This tutorial walks you through creating a payment plan vs. full-pay order toggle.
The steps are as follows:
- Create the two Order Forms, one for a full payment and one with a payment plan or installment payments.
- Create an “order toggle” that sets the primary order form and the secondary (or multiple) order forms. This is where you can specify wording about your offers.
Order Toggle for Multiple Currencies
This tutorial walks you through creating a multi-currency order toggle.
Step 1: Enable Multi-Currency
If you haven’t yet, make sure to enable multiple currencies.
You will set these up under Settings -> Payment Settings.
Step 2: Create Your Order Forms
Create one new Order Form for each currency, and set the price based on the currency exchange.
Step 3: Create Your Toggle
Create the toggle and select your order forms.
It’s possible to toggle between more than two Order Forms, by clicking on the Edit button for the Toggle and going to the Order Toggle Setup tab, and adding more Secondary Toggles.