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  4. How to Create Auto-Login Links For Your Membership Site in AccessAlly

How to Create Auto-Login Links For Your Membership Site in AccessAlly

Create an auto-login link to help users quickly access protected content on your site without requiring them to manually log in with their username and password. Sometimes you don’t want to ask your members to log in through the login page. Instead, you want to make it easy for them to access the exact page you’re sending them to via a link in an email.

It’s important to note that this article covers links sent via email.

That’s where these auto-login links come in! You can auto-login any member by creating a customized auto-login link that points to a specific page on your member site, or the main dashboard page – it’s up to you!

Auto-Login From AccessAlly Emails

Requirements to use this feature

In order to use this feature passwords will need to be stored as an option AccessAlly → Settings → General Setup → CRM Integration.

AA Managed Contacts Store Passwords

Step 1: Email Text

AccessAlly → Emails → Select your desired email type → Edit content

  1. Type the desired wording into the text editor.
  2. Select “Personalize” and add email placeholder
  3. Select “Personalize” add password placeholder
Personalize AccessAlly Emails Auto-Login

Use the following example with items 2 & 3 from the image above to create the link.


In the email content highlight your link text and add the auto-login link with coding.

Add auto-login link text

Step 4: Delete Placeholders

Now that your auto-login link is created you can remove the email placeholder and password placeholder from the email content.

Delete Placeholder AccessAlly Emails

Auto-Login From CRM Emails

Note: The followings are for AccessAlly sites integrated with a CRM and you’ll need to store user passwords in your CRM.

This auto-login functionality works in all of the integrated CRMs, you’ll just want to pull in the Contact’s Email and Password, to build the link itself.

Code Used For Each CRM:

After watching the above video tutorial,
you can find the code used for your CRM below:


Auto-login link used in the video for Code Building:


Auto-login link used in the video:



Auto-login link used in the video:



Auto-login link used in the video:


Auto-login link used in the video:

Auto-Login After Purchase

After purchase on an AccessAlly order form auto-login follows the examples below.

  1. New user > makes purchase = auto-logged in
  2. Existing user > logged in > makes new purchase = remains logged in
  3. Existing user > not logged in > makes new purchase = required to log in for security purposes. They’ll be redirected to the “login to your account” page or “please login first before accessing the site” page. Here’s more info on these two key pages.
Updated on January 9, 2025
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